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Meyer Sound Documentation

In this section:
User Interface Overview
  1. Hamburger Menu: Sign Out, links to Help, Support, and View Logs

  2. Device Manager

  3. Connection Manager

  4. Snapshots

  5. Settings: Network display, Media Clock Master selection, Notifications preferences, and Display Settings options

  6. System Health Indicator and Event Log

  7. Workspace Focus indicator

  8. Application Search

  9. Hide/Show Properties Sidebar

Getting Started

Modify the default Device Names

Select DEVICES (1.svg below). Click on a device type header (Processor, Milan Loudspeakers, etc.) to expand/collapse the list of devices by type. For each listed device, double-click the name and modify the text (2.svg below). These names are stored in the devices and are used to correlate devices listed in software to the physical devices.


For arrays, a good strategy is to start each name with a number to indicate position in the array followed by a letter or combination of letters to denote the array. This aids when searching for devices and sorting columns. The number at the end of the default name is the serial number of the loudspeaker. For example:

01 Left Main Panther

02 Left Main Panther


  • For network switches, the last three octets of the Milan identity name match those of the device's MAC address. If renaming, including the last three octets may be helpful. For example:

    FE-A0-6B-64, renamed: FOH Primary A0-6B-64

  • Duplicate device names within the same group name are not allowed.

To match devices listed in Nebra to physical devices, use the Wink function. Click once on a device in Devices (1.svg below) or a device in the Connections Workspace to open the Sidebar panel. Click the Wink icon (2.svg below) to turn on the device’s Wink LED(s). Conversely, press the Wink button on the device, which will be indicated in Nebra.


Nebra, Devices – Click Wink Icon to Turn on Device’s Wink LED


  • The Wink function of PANTHER and 2100-LFC loudspeakers automatically times out after several seconds. The Wink function of other loudspeakers and devices is active until the Wink icon in Nebra is clicked or the Wink button on the device is pushed.

  • To change the device name, double-click the device name at the top of the Sidebar panel.


Nebra, Devices – Double-Click Default Group Name, Type to Modify

Designate a device as the Master Media Clock

Click Settings (1.svg below), click Media Clock (2.svg below), click Set Media Clock ( 3.svg below), and then select a device as the system Media Clock (4.svg below). Click Apply in the dialog to make the designation.


Nebra, Settings – Set Media Clock – Settings, Media Clock, Set Media Clock, Select Device

Establish Milan connections


Nebra, Connections – Make Milan Connection Between Talker and Listener

Steps illustrated above:


  • Click to expand Available Devices

  • Click-drag a Talker (Galileo GALAXY processor) to Workspace

  • Click-drag Lister (loudspeaker), drop on a Talker, Connection Matrix opens (method 1)

  • Select which Talker Output to connect to the Lister

  • Click BACK

  • Select another Listener and drag into the Workspace

  • Select Connect

  • Drag from the Talker to the Listener (method 2)

  • Select which Talker Output to connect to the Lister

  • Click Back

  • Select Delete

  • Click on a connection line to un-make the connection

  • Click on a device to remove the device from the Workspace


    While making connections, it is normal for the Health Status indicator to indicate device thresholds have been met while the devices are negotiating the network connection. Click the System Health icon to acknowledge. If there are no errors or faults, the indicator will indicate the status is OK.

Once a connection is made, click the connection line between devices to open the Connection Matrix and modify or de-select the routing.

Save a Snapshot

Select Snapshots (4), click + Create new in upper-right of application window. Name the Snapshot, click OK. Saves the devices and Milan connections in the Workspace for later recall.

View Device Telemetry

To view a device’s real-time telemetry data, click the device name in Devices or the device icon in the Workspace to open the Sidebar. Click the Telemetry tab to display the available details.


Nebra, Sidebar, Telemetry Tab – ULTRA-X20 Telemetry


Hover the pointer on the temperature or voltage gauge to display numeric values.

Click the pop-out icon in the upper-right (highlighted above) to pop out the Sidebar in a separate window from the Nebra application.


Nebra – Popped Out Standalone Sidebar Window

Download loudspeaker usage data

Loudspeakers equipped with Milan Endpoints store usage data. To download a loudspeaker log to the Nebra computer, right-click the loudspeaker name listed in Devices or right-click the loudspeaker icon in the Workspace to open the pop-up menu and select DOWNLOAD LOG FILES (left, below). The three-dot menu in the Sidebar (if open) includes this option as well (right, below).


Nebra – Download Loudspeaker Log File

The .log file is listed in a Finder window that opens.

The macOS file location is:


The Windows file location is: 


System monitoring

The System Health indicator will turn from green to yellow (caution) or red (warning) when a device status threshold is met:


Click the Health Status icon to acknowledge a caution or warning.


During the connection steps above, it is normal for the System Health indicator to indicate cautions and/or warnings. These are related to the momentary disconnected condition while the connection is established.

When a device status threshold is met, banners that include summary text appear at the bottom of the Workspace to alert users.


Nebra – Warning and Caution Banner Examples

Both the System Health indicator and the pop-up banners notify users that new Events have been added to the System Status Log.


Nebra – Events Tab

The macOS file location is:
