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Meyer Sound Documentation

Accessories and Associated Products
In this section:

MCF 750 Caster Frame — Heavy duty caster frame for safely transporting up to three 750-LFC cabinets. Available in two versions for cabinets fitted/not fitted with MRK-750 rigging. Durable nylon covers for stacks of two and three units are also available to ensure the 750-LFC is completely road-ready.


MCF 750 Caster Frame — Rigging


MCF 750 Caster Frame — No Rigging


PBF-LINA Pull Back Frame — Attaches to the bottom cabinet of LINA and 750-LFC arrays and provides pull-back for extreme array downtilt.


PBF-LINA Pull Back Frame


MPK-POLE — Allows mounting of Meyer Sound loudspeakers on top of the 750-LFC using the heavy-duty integral pole mount. Constructed from steel and available in two models:

  • MPK-POLE 35—adjustable: (32–55 in long) 35 mm pole; includes a 38 mm adapter

  • MPK-POLE 35MM/M20—fixed: (47 in long) 35 mm pole with M20 slug on one end; ideal pole for the EU version




MG-MINA/LINA/750-LFC Multipurpose Grid — Supports arrays of 750-LFCs or mixed arrays of 750-LFCs and LINAs without transition hardware; accommodates a variety of pickup configurations with four corner and 11 center pickup points (includes the two rear links from the GLK-750-LFC Grid Link Upgrade Kit); can also use for ground stacking. Always use MAPP to verify rigging load ratings.

MG-MINA/LINA/750-LFC Multipurpose Grid


Galileo GALAXY Network Platform — The Galileo GALAXY Network Platform provides state-of-the-art loudspeaker management control technology for loudspeaker systems with multiple zones. With immaculate sonic performance, it provides a powerful tool set for corrective room equalization and creative fine-tuning for a full range of applications. In addition, GALAXY devices’ improved Delay Integration allows the user to combine LINA and 750-LFC with different Meyer Sound loudspeakers.

Galileo GALAXY Network Platform


MDM-832 Distribution Module — MDM-832 units conveniently power LINA/750-LFC array systems, routing up to eight channels of AC power, balanced audio and RMS signals to the loudspeakers. For bigger systems, the MDM-5000 Distribution Module is also available.

MDM-832 Distribution Module


GLK-750-LFC Grid Link Upgrade Kit (not pictured) — Includes the two rear links and installation hardware. Using the rear links instead of the middle links on the MG-MINA/LINA grid effectively increases the load rating for the grid when attached to 750-LFCs.