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Meyer Sound Documentation

Safety Statement for Rigging
In this section:

Please read this statement carefully and in its entirety. It contains important information regarding safety issues, including guidelines for general safe use of rigging systems as well as advisories on government regulations and liability laws.

This Statement assumes that the owners and/or users of a Meyer Sound QuickFly® system are knowledgeable and experienced in the areas of rigging and flying loudspeaker systems. Many issues of crucial concern, such as the determination of appropriateness and condition of venue rigging points, cannot be addressed here. Therefore, the

user must assume all responsibility for the appropriate use of QuickFly systems in any particular location or circumstance.

The suspension of large, heavy objects in public places is subject to numerous laws and regulations at the national/ federal, state/provincial, and local levels. The user must assume responsibility for making sure that use of any QuickFly system and its components in any particular circumstance or venue conforms to all applicable laws and regulations in force at the time.

Load Ratings and Specifications

Long-term safe operation is a central concern in the design and manufacture of any rigging/flying system. Meyer Sound has taken great care in material selection and

component design. After manufacture, all load-critical system components are individually inspected. All load ratings and other specifications are the result of accepted engineering practice and careful testing.

To analyze load ratings, use Meyer Sound’s MAPP System Design and Prediction Tool. MAPP supports custom input of Meyer Sound loudspeaker system configurations and determines safety in 5:1.

Users are advised to check or contact Technical Support at regular intervals to check for updates.

Regulatory Compliance

The design and working load limit (WLL) ratings of the QuickFly system are intended to be in compliance with all known regulatory statutes currently applicable in the United States. However, as noted above, there are wide variations internationally in the regulations and practices applying to suspension of sound systems in public places. Although regulations in the United States are generally among the most stringent, safety codes may be even stricter in a few localities (such as those highly prone to earthquakes). In addition, applicable safety codes are open to interpretation:

Government officials in one location may have a stricter interpretation than another local official, even when operating under the same regulations and in the same legal jurisdiction.

Safety Responsibilities “Above the Hook”

In most touring applications of rigging systems, the audio equipment provider is normally responsible for ensuring the safety of the suspension system only below the attachment point. The safety and suitability of the attachment point above the uppermost Meyer Sound product is generally seen as the responsibility of the venue owner or operator. However, this distinction (“above the hook” versus “below the hook”) can be open to interpretation. Touring system operators should make certain that attachment points are approved and suitably

load rated, and that the points used are those identified as such by the venue owner or engineer of record. As an extra precaution, careful inspection of the attachment points is advised before attaching a load, particularly in older venues or those hosting frequent events using large sound and lighting systems. IN ANY CASE, MEYER SOUND QUICKFLY SYSTEMS ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR SUSPENSION FROM APPROVED RIGGING POINTS, EACH KNOWN TO HAVE AMPLE WLL MARGINS FOR THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS SUSPENDED BELOW THEM.

Inspection and Maintenance

The Meyer Sound QuickFly systems are an assembly of mechanical devices, and are therefore subject to wear and tear over prolonged use, as well as damage from corrosive agents, extreme impact, or inappropriate use.


BEFORE EACH USE. Such inspection includes examination of all load-bearing components for any sign of undue wear, twisting, buckling, cracking, rusting, or other corrosion. In regard to rust and corrosion, the main components of a QuickFly system are either protected by an exterior coating or made from stainless steel, which is resistant to rust and resistant to most corrosive fluids. Nevertheless, normal use and shipping vibrations can wear through the protective coatings, and extremely corrosive fluids (such as battery acid) can cause severe damage with prolonged exposure even

to protected parts. Particular attention should be given to pins, screws, bolts, and other fasteners to make certain the fittings are tight and secure. Metal seams and welds should be examined for any sign of separation or deformation. Meyer Sound strongly recommends that written documentation

be maintained on each QuickFly system, noting date of

inspection, name of inspector, points of system checked, and any anomalies discovered.

Annual Comprehensive Examination and Test Program

In addition to routine checks on the road for touring systems, Meyer Sound also recommends a careful, comprehensive system examination and testing “at home” in the warehouse or other appropriate location at regular intervals. Such at home examinations and tests should occur at least once

a year, and should include a careful inspection of each component under ideal lighting conditions, and then a final comprehensive check of the entire system after it has been flown.

If any anomalies or defects are discovered that could possibly affect the safety or integrity of the system, affected parts or subsystems should be replaced in their entirety before that part of the system is flown again.

Replacement Parts

Any component found to be defective, or any safety-related component even suspected of being defective, should be replaced with the equivalent, approved part. Parts specific to a QuickFly system should be ordered directly from Meyer Sound. No attempt should be made to substitute what appears to be equivalent or “mostly the same” generic replacements. Some parts used in QuickFly systems are identical to those used in other rigging applications. To the best of our knowledge, most of these suppliers are reputable and their products are reliable. However, Meyer Sound has no way of assuring the quality of products made by these various suppliers. Therefore, Meyer Sound is not responsible for problems caused by components that were not supplied by Meyer Sound.


QuickFly systems are relatively straightforward and easy to use. However, they should only be used by persons trained in the use of loudspeaker rigging systems, who have mastered key points of assembly, rigging and flying.


MAPP assumes the top grid is picked up by a front and rear motor along the perimeter of the grid, directly to the middle or outer pickup points, but not to the center bar pickup points. Other rigging configurations may have reduced load capacity. These cases should be reviewed by proper personnel to verify load capacities for alternate configurations.

Limitations and Disclaimer

The safety limit analysis provided by MAPP does not apply, and may not be relied upon, if the loudspeaker system (1) has been improperly installed or maintained, (2) the rigging or loudspeakers of the system have been damaged prior to installation, (3) the indicated configuration of the system has been altered, (4) any weight has been added to the indicated configuration, or (5) the system is in an outdoor venue and remains installed during strong wind conditions. MEYER