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Meyer Sound Documentation

Setting system Access Policies
In this section:

CueStation provides an Access Policies window to allow you to set up different levels of access permissions or restrictions.


Access Policies Window

By defining access polices, you can prevent accidental or unauthorized changes to the sys- tem, while allowing full unrestricted access in the default state. You can use the window to define access policies at any time; it is not necessary to configure access policies before using the software or hardware.

Creating Access Policies

Access policies can be configured to restrict or allow access to everything from changing control points to changing system configuration. This example demonstrates how to restrict unauthorized access to certain control points.

To create an Access policy:

  1. Open the Access Policies window.

  2. Choose Access Policies > New Access Policy. Change the name to Input 1 Restricted.

  3. Double-click the Password column and add a password.

  4. Right-click the Type column and choose Opt-Out. The background of the access policy changes to yellow, indicating that the policy is invoked. No restrictions are yet in place, because nothing in this access policy has been selected.

  5. Click twice in the checkbox for Set Control Points. The red X indicates that the policy restricts this action.

  6. In the box to the right of Set Control Points, type Input 1 Level. Access to Input 1 Level is now restricted. Choose Windows > Inputs and verify that the fader for Input 1 is greyed out.

  7. Choose Access Policies > New Access Policy. Change the name to Input 1 Allowed.

  8. Double click the Password column and type a password.

  9. Right-click the Priority column and select 1.00. This Input 1 Allowed access policy now has priority over the Input 1 Restricted access policy.

  10. Click the checkbox for Set Control Points. The green check indicates that this action is allowed.

  11. Type Input 1 Level in the box to the right.

  12. Choose Access Policies > Reset All Access Policies to clears the cookies for the pass- words you entered, so that anyone using the CueStation client must re-enter the pass- words to gain access to restricted items.

Input 1 is now restricted for all CueStation clients, and this setting is saved with the project, since it is applied by default.

To regain access to Input 1:

  1. Choose Windows > Access Policies to open the Access Policies window, then select Input 1 Allowed.

  2. Choose Access Policies > Invoke Selected Access Policies. A dialog box appears, prompting for the password. Choose from the following options:


  • Retain password until I manually reset it

  • Use password for this session only.

  1. Enter the password and click login options. The background of Input 1 Allowed turns green to show that it is invoked, but not applied by default.


Access Policies that are not applied by default are applied on a per-client basis. For example, after invoking the Input 1 Allowed policy, the client is now permitted to change the level of Input 1, but the permissions of other clients are not affected.

Securing the system

Access Policies in CueStation do not provide complete security from malicious attacks. How- ever, there are a few things you can do to prevent other users from accidentally gaining access to restricted items:

  • Create an access policy that has Edit Access Policies restricted. Without this invoked, it is possible to delete access policies, change the priority, or change the password.

  • If Set Control Points is restricted, control points cannot be changed by users, but they can be changed by recalled cues and subcues. For instance, if you have an access policy that restricts access to Input 1, other users cannot change Input 1 directly, but it would be pos- sible to create a subcue that changes the fader level, or bus assigns, etc. Therefore, the access policy restricting control points should also restrict Edit Subcues. With this restricted, it is possible to capture new cues using the capture window, but editing the subcues is disabled.

  • If there is more than one person using the same CueStation client, make sure to use the Reset All Access Policies function when you have finished editing to reset the cookies for the password(s) you entered.

Recovering lost passwords

If you are the administrator of the D-Mitri system and have lost the password(s) to your access policies, or have been locked out of your system with access policies, there is a password recovery feature available. To regain access to your system:

  1. Choose Windows > Access Policies to open the Access Policies window.

  2. Choose Access Policies > Recover Lost Password. A dialog box appears with instructions and an access code.

  3. Write down the access code, or click Copy Access Code to Clipboard to prepare for pasting it into an email.

  4. Contact Meyer Sound Technical Support and provide the access code. A new password is provided to override the access policies in place and regain access to your system.


The access code and recovery password are valid only until the system is rebooted, and is randomly generated on startup. This prevents users who know one recovery password from accessing other systems.