Installation Practices

Meyer Sound assumes normal and accepted installation practices are used when installing Meyer Sound Loudspeakers outdoors. Deviation from such practices may cause weather protection to be ineffective and void the warranty for the loudspeaker.
Loudspeakers installed outdoors should not face upward.
Loudspeakers with a rain hood should be installed in such a way that the rain hood opening is not facing any direction but down.
Meyer Sound-supplied rigging components should not be modified (for example, by drilling additional holes in a MUB for mounting to a wall). When an installer/integrator modifies a Meyer Sound-supplied rigging component to support their installation method, it is considered compromised and out of warranty.
All speaker cabling must be installed with a “drip-loop” or equivalent method to ensure that rain/water is NOT wicked toward the speaker.
If in doubt about an installation method, contact Meyer Sound Technical Support for assistance.
Always discuss the environmental conditions of your Meyer Sound installation with your Sales Manager, and verify the availability of Weather Protection for your selected loudspeaker models. The Sales Manager, together with Technical Support, will verify the appropriate level of weather protection for the loudspeakers and related rigging hardware.