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Meyer Sound Documentation

D-Mitri and CueStation
In this section:

This section briefly describes the components in a D-Mitri system, and how they fit together.

D-Mitri system components

The D-Mitri audio platform consists of a collection of D-Mitri modules, supporting hardware, and software to control and coordinate the hardware:

A D-Mitri system consists of at least one D-Mitri Core Processor (DCP) module, and several other modules of various types. Each module package should include a power cable and a copy of the D-Mitri Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information pamphlet.

. Supporting hardware for a D-Mitri system includes:
  • A computer to run CueStation, under Mac OS X 10.6 or later or Windows 7

  • Network infrastructure for the D-Mitri modules to transport audio and control data.

. The D-Mitri software components are:
  • D-Mitri Universal Firmware

  • CueStation software

  • CueStation Release Notes (PDF file)

  • CueStation User Guide (PDF file)

CueStation interface

CueStation models the controls of an analog mixing console in a graphical user interface, augmenting the console model through the use of data entry fields and tables. To make this kind of representation operate efficiently, CueStation apportions the functions of the console among a collection of functionally specific windows.

Most CueStation windows fall into one of two main categories: mixer programming controls, which look more or less like a conventional mixer, and automation windows that support the creation and organization of cues and cue lists.

The automation windows also allow control over how the control surface settings are captured into cues, the editing of cues, and putting cues into a cue list for a show.

Other windows, such as Access Policies or Key Mappings, provide an interface for configur- ing how you use CueStation. The next chapter provides a walk-through of some of the basic functions and features of CueStation.

CueStation audio signal flow

A complete internal signal path can be viewed in CueStation on a per-channel basis. In each CueStation window that represents a point in the audio signal path of a D-Mitri system, a set of Signal Path buttons is displayed.


Signal Path Buttons

Click an arrow button to open the CueStation window for the previous or next point in the signal path. Click the blue info button to open the Signal Path window. The Signal Path window shows the signal path for the currently selected channel. The current point in the path is highlighted, and shortcuts are displayed for all points. When passing signal for the selected channel, the various buttons illuminate in green.


Signal Path Window

Procedure. To navigate the Signal Path window:
  1. Drag the scrollbar at the bottom of the Signal Path window to change the displayed chan- nel. The displayed channel can also be changed by clicking the arrow buttons adjacent to the scrollbar, or right-clicking the purple Channel display.

  2. To open the corresponding window for any point in the signal path, do one of the following:

    • Click any point in the displayed path.

    • Use the keyboard shortcut displayed for any point in the displayed path.