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Meyer Sound Documentation

Datasheet — LINA

Compact Linear Line Array Loudspeaker
In this section:

LINA Arrayed Loudspeakers and Dimensions


The LINA™ compact linear line array loudspeaker excels in array performance while providing exceptional high frequency headroom, phase coherence, and consistent coverage. Its light weight and small size are ideal for venues that require a low-profile, high-power, curvilinear array system with exceptional fidelity, such as small theaters, theme parks, houses of worship, and AV systems.

Single cabinet or short stack implementations of LINA are also well-suited for front-fill and under-balcony applications that must attain precise high-frequency vertical coverage. In addition to standalone implementations, LINA is useful in LEOPARD™ systems as a supplemental fill loudspeaker.

LINA evolved from the highly successful MINA™ loudspeaker, now optimized using the state-of-the-art technology that made the LEO® family an award-winning product line. LINA delivers the same signature and advantages of self-powered design, linear response, and precise directional control. Like LEOPARD, LINA loudspeakers offer Native Mode, a configuration optimized to yield excellent system performance right out of the box with minimal external processing.

LINA features an innovative, newly designed, highly efficient class D amplifier that reproduces any sound source with linearity over a wide dynamic range, from speech and classical music to rock and EDM. LINA faithfully reproduces audio with tremendous power, superior intelligibility, and extremely low distortion.

Drive LINA systems with Meyer Sound’s Galileo® GALAXY Network Platform, which provides 24 bit, 96 kHz audio, matrix routing, alignment, and processing for array components. Using the Meyer Sound MDM-832 distribution module to route AC power, balanced audio, and optional RMS™ module signals to multiple LINA loudspeakers further enhances the portability and ease of configuring a system.

For low-frequency extension, LINA pairs with Meyer Sound’s 750-LFC low-frequency control element, which can be flown in a LINA array without transition hardware. Like LINA, the 750-LFC is efficient and versatile, with an excellent power-to-size ratio. Applications that require more low-frequency headroom can use Meyer Sound’s 900-LFC, which also integrates with LINA systems.

LINA includes Meyer Sound’s QuickFly® rigging with captive GuideALinks™ that can create splay angles from 1 to 11 degrees. A range of available rigging accessories make LINA a versatile solution for a variety of applications. To design entire LINA family systems, use Meyer Sound’s MAPP™ System Design Tool, as it effectively anticipates system SPL and coverage requirements. This useful tool also helps verify rigging load ratings.

Meyer Sound coats the premium multi-ply birch LINA cabinet with a slightly textured black finish. Other options include weather protection and custom color finishes for fixed installations and applications with specific cosmetic requirements.

Features and Benefits
  • Small footprint and narrow width are ideal for small venues and fill applications

  • Amazing power-to-size ratio

  • Exceptional linearity and transient reproduction at any level, high peak power output, and extremely low distortion

  • Self-powered to simplify setup and increase reliability

  • Flexible rigging for flown and ground-stacked arrays

  • Easy integration with Meyer Sound’s LEOPARD line array loudspeaker, and the 750-LFC and 900-LFC low frequency control elements

  • Small theaters and houses of worship

  • Touring productions, ballrooms, and corporate AV

  • Theme parks

  • Front-fill and under-balcony coverage

  • Side-fill for LEOPARD systems

Accessories and Associated Products

MG-MINA/LINA Multipurpose Grid — Flies up to 16 LINA cabinets with a 5:1 safety factor and BGV C1 with some angle restrictions. The grid offers multiple and single-center pickup points and can also be used to ground-stack. It also supports mixed arrays of LINA and 750-LFC cabinets flown or ground-stacked without any transition hardware. Always use MAPP to verify rigging load ratings.

MG-MINA/LINA Multipurpose Grid


MUB-MINA/LINA U-Bracket — Mounts up to four LINA cabinets for front-fill or under-balcony coverage with up to 20 degrees of tilt. Pole-mounts up to two cabinets (pole-mount adapter not included).



PBF-LINA Pull Back Frame — Attaches to the bottom cabinet of LINA and 750-LFC arrays and provides pull-back for extreme array downtilt.


PBF-LINA Pull Back Frame


MYA-MINA/LINA Yoke — Suspends arrays of up to four LINA cabinets from a single point and pole-mounts up to two cabinets on top of a 750-LFC (pole-mount adapter not included).



MCF-MINA/LINA Caster Frame — Safely transports up to five fully rigged LINA cabinets, making it easy to assemble and disassemble arrays in blocks. Durable nylon covers for stacks of three, four, and five units are also available to ensure the LINA is completely road ready.

MCF-MINA/LINA Caster Frame


MVP motor Vee plate — Attaches to the MG-MINA/LINA grid (and all other LEO family grids) and fine tunes the horizontal aim of LINA and 750-LFC arrays.

MVP motor Vee plate


Galileo GALAXY Network Platform — The Galileo GALAXY Network Platform provides state-of-the-art audio control technology for loudspeaker systems with multiple zones. With immaculate sonic performance, it provides a powerful tool set for corrective room equalization and creative fine-tuning for a full range of applications.

Galileo GALAXY Network Platform


MDM-832 Distribution Module — MDM-832 units conveniently power LINA array systems, routing up to eight channels of AC power, balanced audio and RMS signals to the loudspeakers.

MDM-832 Distribution Module



Operating Frequency Range2

65 Hz – 18 kHz

Phase Response

100 Hz – 18 kHz ±45°

Maximum SPL3

138 dB

Linear Peak SPL4

132 dB with 19 dB crest factor (M-noise), 128 dB (Pink noise), 130 dB (B-noise)


Horizontal Coverage


Vertical Coverage

Varies, depending on array length and configuration


Low Frequency

Two 6.5-inch long-excursion cone drivers; 4 Ω nominal impedance

High Frequency

One 3-inch diaphragm compression driver coupled to a constant-directivity horn through a patented REM® manifold; 8 Ω nominal impedance



Differential, electronically balanced

Maximum Common Mode Range

±15 V DC, clamped to earth for voltage transient protection


XLR 3-pin female input with male loop output. Optional XLR 5-pin connector to accommodate both balanced audio and RMS signals.

Input Impedance

10 kΩ differential between pins 2 and 3


Pin 1: Chassis/earth through 1 kΩ, 1000 pF, 15 V clamp network to provide virtual ground lift at audio frequencies

Pin 2: Signal + Pin 3: Signal – Pin 4: RMS

Pin 5: RMS

Case: Earth ground and chassis

Nominal Input Sensitivity

0 dBV (1.0 V rms) continuous is typically the onset of limiting for noise and music

Input Level

Audio source must be capable of producing of +20 dBV (10 V rms) into 600 Ω to produce the maximum peak SPL over the operating bandwidth of the loudspeaker.



3-channel, Class-D

Total Output Power6

1950 W peak


< 0.02%





powerCON 20 input with loop output

Automatic Voltage Selection

90–265 V AC, 50–60 Hz

Safety Rated Voltage Range

100–240 V AC, 50–60 Hz

Turn-on and Turn-off Points

90 V AC turn-on, no turn-off; internal fuse-protection above 265 V AC


Idle Current

0.25 A rms (115 V AC); 0.25 A rms (230 V AC); 0.29 A rms (100 V AC)

Maximum Long-Term Continuous Current (>10 sec)

2.3 A rms (115 V AC); 1.16 A rms (230 V AC); 2.8 A rms (100 V AC)

Burst Current (<1 sec)7

3.9 A rms (115 V AC), 1.7 A rms (230 V AC), 4.5 A rms (100 V AC)

Maximum Instantaneous Peak Current

8.8 A peak (115 V AC), 4.0 A peak (230 V AC), 9.2 A peak (100 V AC)

Inrush Current

< 20.0 A peak


Equipped with two-conductor twisted-pair network, reporting all operating parameters of amplifiers to system operator’s host computer.



W: 20.27 in (515 mm) x H: 8.38 in (213 mm) x D: 15.32 in (389 mm)


43 lb (19.5 kg)


Premium multi-ply birch, slightly textured black finish

Protective Grille

Powder-coated, hex-stamped steel with acoustical black mesh


End frames with captive GuideALinks secured with 0.25 in x 0.53 in quick release pins that allow

0° to 11° splay angles. M6 attachment points for optional MYA-MINA/LINA mounting yoke and MUB- MINA/LINA U-bracket

  1. Loudspeaker system predictions for coverage and SPL are available in Meyer Sound’s MAPP System Design Tool.

  2. Recommended maximum operating frequency range. Response depends on loading conditions and room acoustics.

  3. Maximum SPL is the peak measured in free-field at 4 m referred to 1 m using noise.

  4. Linear Peak SPL is measured in free-field at 4 m referred to 1 m. Loudspeaker SPL compression measured with M-noise at the onset of limiting, 2-hour duration, and 50°C ambient temperature is <2 dB.

    M-noise is a full bandwidth, (10Hz–22.5kHz) test signal developed by Meyer Sound to better measure the loudspeaker’s music performance. It has a constant instantaneous peak level in octave bands, a crest factor that increases with frequency, and a full bandwidth Peak to RMS ratio of 18 dB.

    Pink noise is a full bandwidth test signal with Peak to RMS ratio of 12.5 dB.

    B-noise is a Meyer Sound test signal used to ensure measurements reflect system behavior when reproducing the most common input spectrum, and to verify there is still headroom over pink noise.

  5. Pins 4 and 5 (RMS) only included with XLR 5-pin connector that accommodates both balanced audio and RMS signals.

  6. Peak power based on the maximum unclipped peak voltage the amplifier will produce into the nominal load impedance.

  7. AC power cabling must be of sufficient gauge so that under burst current rms conditions, cable transmission losses do not cause the loudspeaker’s voltage to drop below the specified operating range.

Architectural Specifications

The loudspeaker shall be a compact, self-powered, linear, low-distortion, line array loudspeaker. Its transducers shall include two 6.5-inch long-excursion cone drivers and one 3-inch diaphragm compression driver coupled to a constant-directivity horn through a patented REM manifold.

The loudspeaker shall incorporate internal processing and a 3-channel, class D amplifier. Processing shall include equalization, phase correction, driver protection, and signal division. Performance specifications for a typical production unit shall be as follows, measured at 1/3-octave resolution: operating frequency range shall be 65 Hz–18 kHz; phase response shall be 100 Hz–18 kHz ±45 degrees; maximum SPL for the LINA shall be 138 dB, measured in free-field at 4 m referred to 1 m using noise; linear peak SPL shall be 132 dB with 19 dB crest factor, measured free-field with M-noise at 4 m referred to 1 m. Audio connectors shall be XLR 3-pin, female and male, accommodating balanced audio, or XLR 5-pin, accommodating both balanced audio and RMS.

The internal power supply shall perform EMI filtering, soft current turn-on, and surge suppression. Power requirements shall be nominal 100, 110, or 230 V AC line current at 50–60 Hz. UL and CE operating voltage range shall be 100–240 V AC at 50–60 Hz.

AC power connectors for input and loop output shall be powerCON 20. Maximum long-term continuous current draw shall be 2.3 A rms at 115 V AC, 1.16 A rms at 230 V AC, and 2.8 A rms at 100 V AC. The loudspeaker shall accommodate an optional RMS remote monitoring system module.

Components shall be mounted in an optimally tuned, vented enclosure constructed of premium multi-ply birch with a slightly textured black finish. The enclosure shall include end-frames with captive GuideALinks to link units in a vertical array at splay angles from 1 to 11 degrees. The front protective grille shall be powder-coated, hex-stamped steel with acoustical black mesh.

Dimensions shall be W: 20.27 in (515 mm) x H: 8.38 in (213 mm) x D: 15.32 in (389 mm).

The loudspeaker shall be the Meyer Sound LINA.