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Meyer Sound Documentation

Datasheet — 750-LFC

Compact Low-Frequency Control Element
In this section:

750-LFC Arrayed Loudspeakers and Individual Loudspeaker Dimensions


Meyer Sound’s 750-LFC compact low-frequency control element reproduces low frequencies at high, continuous output levels with extremely low distortion. The 750-LFC offers the same sonic linearity as Meyer Sound’s 900-LFC low-frequency control element in a smaller, lighter cabinet, making it ideal for building scalable systems to suit portable applications or fixed installations of any size.

A newly designed class D amplifier affords unprecedented efficiency to the 750-LFC, significantly lowering distortion while reducing power consumption and operating temperature. A single, field-replaceable module contains the on board amplifier and control circuitry.

In addition to pairing with LINA™ systems, the 750-LFC integrates easily with other Meyer Sound loudspeaker systems, including the LEOPARD™ and ULTRA Series loudspeakers.

Meyer Sound’s Galileo® GALAXY Network Platforms, which provide matrix routing, alignment, and processing for array components, can drive LINA and 750-LFC loudspeakers. To guarantee optimum performance, use Meyer Sound’s MAPP™ System Design Tool to design systems with the 750-LFC.

LINA and 750-LFC loudspeakers work with Meyer Sound’s RMS™ remote monitoring system, which provides comprehensive monitoring of system parameters from a Mac® or Windows®-based computer.

The 750-LFC is available with or without Meyer Sound’s QuickFly® rigging. When equipped with the optional MRK-750 rigging kit, the 750-LFC’s captive GuideALinks™ allow it to be flown from the MG-MINA/LINA multipurpose grid in LINA arrays without any transition frame between the 750-LFC and LINA.

Fly 750-LFCs separately as a subwoofer array with variable splay angles of 0°, 1.5°, 3.25°, or 4.75°, or configure the 750-LFC in cardioid arrays to reduce output behind the loudspeakers.

Ground stack arrays without a transition frame between the 750-LFC and LINA by equipping the 750-LFC with the optional MRK-750 rigging kit. Create a wider base for ground-stacks with the optional MG-MINA/LINA grid.

The optional MCF-750 caster frame and protective covers allow for the transportation of both versions of the 750-LFC in stacks.

The 750-LFC integral pole mount supports easy placement of one or two LINAs on top using the available MUB-MINA/LINA U Bracket or the MYA-MINA/LINA yoke. Alternatively, use the pole mount to pair the 750-LFC with ULTRA Series loudspeakers.

Features and Benefits
  • Compact cabinet with small footprint and extraordinary power-to-size ratio

  • High peak power output with extremely low distortion

  • Exceptional linearity, transient reproduction, and low-frequency clarity

  • Self-powered design for simplified setup and increased reliability

  • Stackable and flyable in regular and cardioid arrays with splay options

  • Integral pole-mount receptacle to facilitate pairing with LINA or ULTRA Series loudspeakers

  • Scalable low-frequency control for touring or corporate applications, or fixed installations

  • Clubs, theaters, houses of worship, corporate AV, and theme parks

  • Low-frequency complement for LINA, LEOPARD and ULTRA systems

Accessories and Associated Products

MCF 750 Caster Frame — Heavy duty caster frame for safely transporting up to three 750-LFC cabinets. Available in two versions for cabinets fitted/not fitted with MRK-750 rigging. Durable nylon covers for stacks of two and three units are also available to ensure the 750-LFC is completely road-ready.


MCF 750 Caster Frame — Rigging


MCF 750 Caster Frame — No Rigging


PBF-LINA Pull Back Frame — Attaches to the bottom cabinet of LINA and 750-LFC arrays and provides pull-back for extreme array downtilt.


PBF-LINA Pull Back Frame


MPK-POLE — Allows mounting of Meyer Sound loudspeakers on top of the 750-LFC using the heavy-duty integral pole mount. Constructed from steel and available in two models:

  • MPK-POLE 35—adjustable: (32–55 in long) 35 mm pole; includes a 38 mm adapter

  • MPK-POLE 35MM/M20—fixed: (47 in long) 35 mm pole with M20 slug on one end; ideal pole for the EU version




MG-MINA/LINA/750-LFC Multipurpose Grid — Supports arrays of 750-LFCs or mixed arrays of 750-LFCs and LINAs without transition hardware; accommodates a variety of pickup configurations with four corner and 11 center pickup points (includes the two rear links from the GLK-750-LFC Grid Link Upgrade Kit); can also use for ground stacking. Always use MAPP to verify rigging load ratings.

MG-MINA/LINA/750-LFC Multipurpose Grid


Galileo GALAXY Network Platform — The Galileo GALAXY Network Platform provides state-of-the-art loudspeaker management control technology for loudspeaker systems with multiple zones. With immaculate sonic performance, it provides a powerful tool set for corrective room equalization and creative fine-tuning for a full range of applications. In addition, GALAXY devices’ improved Delay Integration allows the user to combine LINA and 750-LFC with different Meyer Sound loudspeakers.

Galileo GALAXY Network Platform


MDM-832 Distribution Module — MDM-832 units conveniently power LINA/750-LFC array systems, routing up to eight channels of AC power, balanced audio and RMS signals to the loudspeakers. For bigger systems, the MDM-5000 Distribution Module is also available.

MDM-832 Distribution Module


GLK-750-LFC Grid Link Upgrade Kit (not pictured) — Includes the two rear links and installation hardware. Using the rear links instead of the middle links on the MG-MINA/LINA grid effectively increases the load rating for the grid when attached to 750-LFCs.



Operating Frequency Range2

35 Hz – 125 Hz

Frequency Response3

37 Hz – 110 Hz ±4 dB

Phase Response

43 Hz – 110 Hz ±30°

Linear Peak SPL4

130.5 dB with crest factor >9 dB (M-noise), 130.5 dB (pink noise), 132 dB (B-noise)


360° (single unit); varies with number of units and configuration


Low Frequency

One 15-inch, dual-coil, long-excursion cone driver; 2 Ω nominal impedance



Differential, electronically balanced

Maximum Common Mode Range

±15 V DC, clamped to earth for voltage transient protection


XLR 3-pin female with male loop. Optional 5-pin connectors to accommodate both balanced audio and RMS signals

Input Impedance

10 kΩ differential between pins 2 and 3


Pin 1: Chassis/earth through 1 kΩ, 1000 pF, 15 V clamped network to provide virtual ground lift at audio frequencies

Pin 2: Signal (+) Pin 3: Signal (–) Pin 4: RMS

Pin 5: RMS

Case: Earth ground and chassis

Nominal Input Sensitivity

6.0 dBV (2.0 V rms) continuous is typically the onset of limiting for noise and music

Input Level

Audio source must be capable of producing +20 dBV (10 V rms) into

600 Ω to produce the maximum peak SPL over the operating bandwidth of the loudspeaker



2-channel, open-loop, class D

Total Output Power6

3100 W peak


< 0.02%





powerCON 20 input with loop output

Automatic Voltage Selection

90–265 V AC; 50–60 Hz

Safety Agency Rated Voltage Range

100–240 V AC, 50–60 Hz

Turn-on and Turn-off points

Turn-on: 90 V AC; Turn-off: none; internal fuse protection above 265 V AC



0.39 A rms (115 V AC), 0.38 A rms (230 V AC), 0.42 A rms (100 V AC)

Maximum Long-Term Continuous

5.3 A rms (115 V AC), 2.7 A rms (230 V AC), 6.2 A rms (100 V AC)

Burst (<1 sec)7

9.2 A rms (115 V AC), 4.4 A rms (230 V AC), 10.7 A rms (100 V AC)

Maximum Instantaneous Peak

15.3 A peak (115 V AC), 7.8 A peak (230 V AC), 18 A peak (100 V AC)

Inrush Current

< 20.0 A peak


Two-conductor, twisted-pair network, capable of reporting all operating parameters of amplifiers to system operator’s host computer.


Dimensions without Rigging

W: 21.80 in (554 mm) x H: 20.30 in (515 mm) x D: 20.88 in (530 mm)

Dimensions with Rigging

W: 21.55 in (547 mm) x H: 20.43 in (519 mm) x D: 20.88 in (530 mm)

Weight without Rigging

89 lbs (40.3 kg)

Weight with Rigging

105 lbs (47.6 kg)


Premium multi-ply birch with slightly textured black finish

Protective Grille

Powder-coated, hex-stamped steel with acoustical black mesh


Optional MRK-750 rigging kit with end frames and captive GuideALinks secured with 0.25 in x 0.53 in quick release pins that allow 0°, 1.5°, 3.25°, or 4.75° splay angles; detachable side handles. Rigging allows ground-stacked, flown, and cardioid configurations

Pole Mount

U.S. version: 1.5 in (38 mm)

E.U. version: 1.375 in (35 mm and M20 thread at the bottom)

  1. Loudspeaker system predictions for coverage and SPL are available in Meyer Sound’s MAPP System Design Tool.

  2. Recommended maximum operating frequency range. Response depends on loading conditions and room acoustics.

  3. Measured in half-space with pink noise at 4 m, 1/3-octave frequency resolution.

  4. Linear Peak SPL is measured in free-field at 4 m referred to 1 m. Loudspeaker SPL compression measured with M-noise at the onset of limiting, 2-hour duration, and 50°C ambient temperature is <2 dB.

    M-noise is a full bandwidth, (10Hz–22.5kHz) test signal developed by Meyer Sound to better measure the loudspeaker’s music performance. It has a constant instantaneous peak level in octave bands, a crest factor that increases with frequency, and a full bandwidth Peak to RMS ratio of 18 dB.

    Pink noise is a full bandwidth test signal with Peak to RMS ratio of 12.5 dB.

    B-noise is a Meyer Sound test signal used to ensure measurements reflect system behavior when reproducing the most common input spectrum, and to verify there is still headroom over pink noise.

  5. Pins 4 and 5 (RMS) only included with XLR 5-pin connector that accommodates both balanced audio and RMS signals.

  6. Peak power based on the maximum unclipped peak voltage the amplifier will produce into the nominal load impedance.

  7. AC power cabling must be of sufficient gauge so that under burst current rms conditions, cable transmission losses do not cause the loudspeaker’s voltage to drop below the specified operating range.

Architectural Specifications

The loudspeaker shall be a compact, self-powered, linear, low-distortion, low-frequency control element and shall be capable of flown, ground-stacked, and cardioid configurations. Its transducer shall be one 15-inch, dual-coil, long-excursion cone driver with 2 Ω nominal impedance.

The loudspeaker shall incorporate internal processing and a 2-channel, open-loop, class D amplifier. Processing shall include equalization, phase correction, and driver protection. Performance specifications for a typical production unit shall be as follows: operating frequency range shall be 35– 125 Hz; frequency range shall be 37–110 Hz ±4 dB (measured in half-space with pink noise at 4 m, 1/3-octave frequency resolution); phase response shall be 43 Hz–110 Hz ±30°; linear peak SPL shall be 130.5 dB with crest factor >9 dB, measured in half-space with M-noise at 4 m referred to 1 m.

Audio connectors shall be XLR 3-pin, female with male loop, accommodating balanced audio, or XLR 5-pin, accommodating both balanced audio and RMS.

The internal power supply shall perform EMI filtering, soft current turn-on, and surge suppression. Power requirements shall be nominal 100, 110, or 230 V AC line current at 50–60 Hz. UL and CE operating voltage range shall be 100–240 V AC at 50–60 Hz. AC power connectors for input and loop output shall be powerCON 20.

Maximum long-term continuous current draw shall be 5.3 A rms at 115 V AC, 2.7 A rms at 230 V AC, and 6.2 A rms at 100 V AC.

The loudspeaker shall accommodate an optional RMS remote monitoring system module.

Components shall be mounted in an optimally tuned, vented enclosure constructed of premium multi-ply birch with a slightly textured black finish. Optional rigging for the enclosure shall include end frames with captive GuideALinks for linking units in vertical arrays with 0°, 1.5°, 3.25°, or 4.75° splay angles. The front protective grille shall be powder-coated, hex-stamped steel with acoustical black mesh.

Dimensions shall be 21.80 inches (554 mm) wide x 20.30 inches (515 mm) high x 20.88 inches (530 mm) deep. Dimensions with optional rigging shall be 21.55 inches (547 mm) wide x 20.43 inches (519 mm) high x 20.88 inches (530 mm) deep. Weight shall be 89 lbs (40.3 kg). Weight with optional rigging shall be 105 lbs (47.6 kg).

The loudspeaker shall be the Meyer Sound 750-LFC.