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Meyer Sound Documentation

Datasheet — 750-LFC

Compact Low-Frequency Control Element
In this section:

750-LFC Arrayed Loudspeakers and Individual Loudspeaker Dimensions


Meyer Sound’s 750-LFC compact low-frequency control element reproduces low frequencies at high, continuous output levels with extremely low distortion. The 750-LFC offers the same sonic linearity as Meyer Sound’s 900-LFC low-frequency control element in a smaller, lighter cabinet, making it ideal for building scalable systems to suit portable applications or fixed installations of any size.

A newly designed class D amplifier affords unprecedented efficiency to the 750-LFC, significantly lowering distortion while reducing power consumption and operating temperature. A single, field-replaceable module contains the on board amplifier and control circuitry.

In addition to pairing with LINA™ systems, the 750-LFC integrates easily with other Meyer Sound loudspeaker systems, including the LEOPARD™ and ULTRA Series loudspeakers.

Meyer Sound’s Galileo® GALAXY Network Platforms, which provide matrix routing, alignment, and processing for array components, can drive LINA and 750-LFC loudspeakers. To guarantee optimum performance, use Meyer Sound’s MAPP™ System Design Tool to design systems with the 750-LFC.

LINA and 750-LFC loudspeakers work with Meyer Sound’s RMS™ remote monitoring system, which provides comprehensive monitoring of system parameters from a Mac® or Windows®-based computer.

The 750-LFC is available with or without Meyer Sound’s QuickFly® rigging. When equipped with the optional MRK-750 rigging kit, the 750-LFC’s captive GuideALinks™ allow it to be flown from the MG-MINA/LINA multipurpose grid in LINA arrays without any transition frame between the 750-LFC and LINA.

Fly 750-LFCs separately as a subwoofer array with variable splay angles of 0°, 1.5°, 3.25°, or 4.75°, or configure the 750-LFC in cardioid arrays to reduce output behind the loudspeakers.

Ground stack arrays without a transition frame between the 750-LFC and LINA by equipping the 750-LFC with the optional MRK-750 rigging kit. Create a wider base for ground-stacks with the optional MG-MINA/LINA grid.

The optional MCF-750 caster frame and protective covers allow for the transportation of both versions of the 750-LFC in stacks.

The 750-LFC integral pole mount supports easy placement of one or two LINAs on top using the available MUB-MINA/LINA U Bracket or the MYA-MINA/LINA yoke. Alternatively, use the pole mount to pair the 750-LFC with ULTRA Series loudspeakers.