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Meyer Sound Documentation

MAPP 3D rigging safety information

Important factor of safety information — read carefully
In this section:

Rated load capacities of the Meyer Sound rigging assembly for different splay angle settings are based on testing performed by an independent testing agency, and on 5 to 1 safety limit analysis to ultimate load performed by an independent structural engineering firm. The ratings apply to the Meyer Sound rigging only. You are responsible for the safety factor required by local law for your installation and for determining the adequacy of supporting structure “above the hook.” PERMANENT INSTALLATIONS MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR WIND AND SEISMIC LOADING.

MAPP assumes the top grid is picked up by a front and rear motor along the perimeter of the grid, either directly to the middle pickup points or bridled at 45 degrees or greater to the grid’s outermost pickup points. Other rigging configurations may have reduced load capacity. These cases should be reviewed by proper personnel to verify load capacities for alternate configurations.

Bridle angles are measured between the bridle cable and top grid plane.

Center bar pickup points:

MAPP Factor of Safety calculations are made for peripheral top grid points — either corner or middle — depending on the top grid configuration. Using the center bar pickup points will result in reduced load capacity. These cases should be reviewed by proper personnel to validate the configuration.

Pull-back load status:

MAPP Load Status — when using Pull-Back — additionally takes into account the Pull-Back Load Status as an additional pass/fail criteria to determine the overall Load Status condition. The Vertical Pull-Back Load Status is the pass/fail criteria. The -10º/+10º status indicators provide the user with the tolerance that exists on each side of the vertical. For all purposes, Pull-Back should be as close to vertical as possible as loads will vary. Deviations from a vertical Pull-Back should be reviewed by proper personnel to verify load capacities for alternate configurations.

Rig point spacing:

When using Pull-Back, Rig Point Spacing values are calculated with reference to the front oProper personnel should review these casesf grid position, which is the Reference Point Position value for the array at its final resting configuration.


The safety limit analysis provided by this program does not apply, and may not be relied upon, if your loudspeaker system (1) has been improperly installed or maintained, (2) the rigging or loudspeakers of your system have been damaged prior to installation, (3) your indicated configuration of the system has been altered, (4) any weight has been added to your indicated configuration, or (5) your system is in an outdoor venue and remains installed during strong wind conditions. MEYER SOUND ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PART OF AN INSTALLATION “ABOVE THE HOOK” OR WHERE ANY OF THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS APPLY.