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Meyer Sound Documentation


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PANTHER mechanical files

PANTHER compliance documents


PANTHER represents the cutting edge of large-scale sound reinforcement, combining high power, ultra-compact design, and energy efficiency. Developed for concerts, festivals, and large-scale events, PANTHER line array loudspeakers deliver remarkable clarity and precision, even at the highest SPLs.

There are three PANTHER loudspeaker models, each offering a different horizontal dispersion:

  • PANTHER-L: 80 degrees

  • PANTHER-M: 95 degrees

  • PANTHER-W: 110 degrees

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As PANTHER systems have been deployed, multiple users have reported that the rear rejection is significantly better than predicted in MAPP 3D, specifically in the low-frequency domain.

The engineering team at Meyer Sound has analyzed physical arrays with differing lengths to better understand the reports from the field.

As expected from previous systems, the on-axis response showed an exceptionally high agreement between MAPP 3D predictions and real-world measurements. However, from 150deg to 180deg off-axis, MAPP 3D predicted higher SPL values in lower frequencies than the real-world results.

From this research, the engineering team has updated the MAPP 3D loudspeaker file for PANTHER to replicate the behavior of an array. The predictions in MAPP 3D now correlate with the real-world measurements showing that PANTHER arrays of four or more units functionally create a cardioid polar pattern, which remains consistent at all SPL levels.


Systems in MAPP 3D using less than four PANTHER loudspeakers, will show greater rear rejection in lower frequencies when compared to real-world measurements.