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Meyer Sound Documentation

EQ view tools
In this section:

The content of the EQ View Tools menu depends on the device and whether an input or output is currently selected. The EQ View Tools menu shown below is from a GALAXY output, which contains all relevant controls.

Tap the Tools icon at the top-right of the EQ View to open the following dialog:


EQ View Tools options for a GALAXY output: Upper controls (left), lower controls (right)

Enabled filters

Swipe the buttons to the right (active) to enable the desired filter types. If a filter is enabled and has settings applied, you can disable it but still retain its values for later use; just re-enable the filter.


Some devices do not include all of these filter options.

Starting points

Touch Choose Starting Point to set a new Starting Point. This may overwrite any current parameters already set.


Only the Callisto 616 and GALAXY outputs offer this option.

The following Meyer Sound loudspeaker options can be used as a Starting Point:


Choosing a new Starting Point: Top of menu (left), bottom of menu (right)

Reset EQ

Touch Reset Parametric EQ, Reset U-Shaping EQ, Reset High Pass, Reset Low Pass, or Reset All Pass, to reset that filter to flat (0 gain at all bands) and all other filter parameters (i.e., bandwidth, frequency, slope, etc.) to their default values. Touch Reset All EQ to reset all filters to their default values at once.


Some devices do not include all of these reset options.

Response curves

Swipe any of the Response buttons to the right (active) position to enable display for those curves in other windows. This setting is channel-specific so you can show any combination of these curves for each input and output.

Control sensitivity

This sets the sensitivity for Compass Go’s touch controls.

Touch the current setting and choose Low, Medium, or High (default).

High sensitivity causes the fastest change in value per distance dragged.

Accessory views

Swipe the Top View, Value View, Meter View, and/or Fader View buttons to the right (active) position to show those entities in the EQ View window. You can conserve screen area by swiping them to the left when they are not essential to your current task.

SIM3 trim (Galileo and Callisto only)

Each output channel can be enabled/disabled in the SIM3 section of the device settings. When enabled, the SIM3 Trim for each output can be adjusted between -12 dB and +6 dB.