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Meyer Sound Documentation

I/O view
In this section:

To display the I/O View:

. To display the I/O View:
  • Tap the I/O Icon (highlighted in the figure below) in the top menu bar from any Compass Go view.

    The I/O View appears with the Inputs or Outputs last displayed (Inputs A–H by default).

To select the eight Input or Output channels to display, do either of the following:

  • Touch the desired tab in the center of the top menu bar: Inputs A–H, Outputs 1–8, Outputs 9–16

- OR -

  • Swipe the screen left/right to scroll to the previous/next eight I/O channels. In the figure below swiping to the left displays Outputs 1–8.


I/O View displaying Outputs 9–16

Input and Output channels have the same controls except Outputs have a Pol (polarity) setting.

Sel-Iso status grid

The Sel-Iso (Select-Isolate) Status grid appears in several windows. See Sel-Iso status grid for details.


To adjust the channel delay, do either of the following:

  1. Double-tap the delay value (at the top of the channel). A numeric pad opens.

  2. Enter a delay amount.

  3. Tap Delay Unit to choose a unit from the following options:

    milliseconds, feet, meters, frames (24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps), samples (96 kHz).

  4. Tap Back to return to the Delay setting numeric pad.

  5. Tap Done when finished.

  1. Tap Back to return to the Delay setting numeric pad.

  2. Tap Done when finished.

- OR -

  1. Single-tap the delay value.

    An orange rectangle surrounds it.

  2. Touch and drag left/right to increase/decrease the delay.

    The maximum delay is 2000 ms for outputs, and 500 ms for inputs.


See Sel/Iso/mute/pol

. To adjust the I/O channel fader, do either of the following:
  • Tap and drag it to a new position.

- OR -

  1. Double-tap the numeric field above the fader to open a numeric pad.

  2. Enter a new value (maximum = +10, minimum = -90).

    The +/- button toggles between positive and negative values.

    Note that when no sign is shown, the value is interpreted as negative.

  3. Tap Done when finished.

I/O view tools

Tap the Tools icon at the top-right of the I/O View to open the following dialog:


Tools option from I/O View

Control sensitivity

This sets the sensitivity for Compass Go’s touch controls.

Touch the current setting and choose Low, Medium, or High (default).

High sensitivity causes the fastest change in value per distance dragged.