Managing CueStation files

CueStation uses several application-specific files to store project data, layouts, and configurations. In addition to saving these files to the computer's hard drive, you can also save projects to flash within a D-Mitri module, with the option to load them automatically when the D-Mitri module boots. CueStation can also save default versions of project and layout files.
Saving files

CueStation layout files and projects can be saved locally, and configuration files can be saved to the D-Mitri modules themselves for quick recall. CueStation also creates its own log files, which can be saved locally.
Saving Files Locally

Project files, layout files, and mixer configuration files can be saved locally to the computer's hard drive. The Projects menu has several different options for saving the current project.
Save Project is available if you have not yet saved a new project. Selecting this option will bring up a dialog box where you type a name for the project and decide where to save it.
Save Project to [project name] option is available if you have opened an existing project file. This option will automatically overwrite that project file with any changes you have made since the last save.
The Save Project As command saves the project under a different file name, in a different location, or both.
Backup Project

The Backup Project command saves a copy of the current project as a backup. Backup projects are saved to CueStation_Settings/D-Mitri_Backups, with an automatically generated name that includes a time and date stamp, in this format: Backup_year_month_- day_hour_min_sec.dmitriProject
Since saving a project as a backup does not prompt you for a location and file name to save to, backup project files can be used to take a quick snapshot of the state of the system throughout a programming session, which can later be recalled if accidental changes are made that cannot be easily undone.
Saving Projects to Flash

Projects can be saved to the flash memory in the D-Mitri. These projects can be retrieved automatically on startup by configuring the Auto Start settings upon saving.
To save a project to flash, choose Projects Save Project To Flash. The Save Project to D-Mitri Flash Memory window contains the following options.
Option | Definition |
On Power Up | There are two selections: Auto Start Project in Flash, or Do Not Autostart. |
Startup Delay | The startup delay is the time after bootup is complete, but before the startup cue is recalled. The default startup delay is 30 seconds. |
Recall Cue ID on Startup | If desired, enter the name of the cue you want to recall at startup. |
Set Cue List ID on Startup | If desired, enter the name of the cue list you want to recall at startup. |
Completion Message | This message is printed to the log when the Auto Start is triggered. If desired, you can enter a different message here. |
AutoStart | This checkbox is enabled when you enter a valid cue list in the corresponding value box. When selected, the first cue in the cue list will be played on startup, along with any other cues or AutoFollow settings. |
A message in the log window will indicate when the operation is complete.
Another benefit of saving a project to flash is that it can be opened by any client on any com- puter that is connected to the D-Mitri, without needing to have the project already saved on a local hard drive.
The Save Project As

At the top of the window is a drop-down box, with the name of the current directory. The area directly to the right contains buttons for the following commands.
Button | Function |
Back | Returns to the previous location. |
Forward | Moves to the next location. |
Up | Goes to a higher level directory. |
New Folder | Creates new folder within the current directory. |
Icon View | Provides a view for viewing files. |
Details View | Provides a view to see details for each file in the list. |
Next, there is a list of the files in the current directory, followed by a File name: text entry box. Enter the name of the file you would like to save to, and then click Save to close the dialog and save the file.
Shortcut Icons

In the left sidebar is a set of directory shortcuts. The default icons point to Computer, User Home, User Desktop, and CueStation_Settings. (For Mac OS users, there's also a Volumes icon.) This gives you quick access to common save areas.
Add shortcuts to the sidebar by dragging the desired folder in from another window. To delete a shortcut, right-click and choose Remove. This removes instant access only to the folder, not to the folder and the data inside.
Recent Files

In the lower half of the Save Project dialog box, there is a list of the five most recently accessed files. These files also have hotkeys associated with them, for easier access. In order to use the hotkeys, hold down the Command key and then type the number of the file twice. The selected file will then be overwritten.
If you want to remove a file from the list, click the gray Eject icon to the right of the file name.
Filter Project Checkbox

At the bottom of the Save Project dialog window is the Filter Project checkbox. When this checkbox is checked, the Filter Project features appear as a pane inside the Save Project dialog. These filtering features give you the option of choosing which parts of the automation data to save.
When you select an item in the Filter Project pane for action, any other project items the selected item references also receive that action. For example, if you choose to load Cue 5, then any subcues in Cue 5 are also loaded, even if those subcues are not explicitly selected in the Subcues tab of the encompassing Save Project dialog window.
Opening files

The options for opening files in CueStation are similar to those for saving files. A project file is divided into four categories of information: automation data, configuration settings, layout information, and port settings. When you open a project, any project information currently in the server will be cleared and replaced by the new project.
The Open Project Dialog Box

In the top left corner, there are controls for navigating to different directories, and a list of files in the current directory. To open a project, select the project you want and click the Open but- ton.
The Recent Files list works as described in “Saving Files” on page 193.
Open Project Options

Below the list of recently used files are six check boxes to toggle different options for opening projects.
Option | Definition |
Load Project | Select whether to load the project database. Uncheck this box if to only load the configuration or the layout. |
Send Configuration | Toggles whether the configuration stored in the project is sent to the D-Mitri modules. If the box is unchecked, the configuration will be opened and visible in the Mixer Configuration window but it will not be sent. |
Filter Project | Specifies which parts of the automation data CueStation will load. See “Cus- tom Project Filter” on page 198 for more information. |
Load Mixer Settings | Specifies whether CueStation will load the project’s mixer settings. If this box is checked, the window will load all of the mixer settings that were in place when the file was last saved. If Load Mixer Settings and Send Configuration check- boxes are unchecked, the current mixer settings will remain untouched when the new file opens. |
Send Configuration | When Send Configuration is checked, but Load Mixer Settings is unchecked, all control points will be reset to their default values. |
Verify Wild Tracks Subcues | Verifies whether Wild Tracks Deck subcues contained in the project can locate all associated files on the Wild Tracks drive(s). If a file is not found, an error message will be printed to the log. |
Load Layout | Specifies whether CueStation will load the layout saved with the project. Uncheck this box to keep the current layout. |
Load Connection Settings | If Load Connection Settings is checked, opened windows will be connected to the server to which they were connected when the layout was saved. If Load Connection Settings is left unchecked, opened windows will be connected to the same server as the current window. |
Custom Project Filter

These options can be accessed in the Open Project dialog using the Filter Project checkbox. If checked, the Filter Project dialog opens and gives you the option of choosing which parts of the automation data you would like to import. For instance, you could choose to not load in Key Mappings if you would rather use ones you have already created. Or, if you only wanted to load in one cue list, you would deselect all of the cues except for the one you want to load (see “Filter Project Checkbox” on page 196).
Merging projects

In CueStation, automation data can be merged from one project into another. This provides a method to import cue lists, cues, subcues, or other automation data in a selective way.
Merged elements also include all referenced elements. For example, importing a cue list will also cause the cues in the cue list to be imported, as well as the contained subcues, and so on.
The Merge Project dialog box has all of the same controls as “The Open Project Dialog Box” on page 196.
The difference between opening a project and merging a project is that during a project merge, the current project data is not cleared from the server.
Effects of a Merge Project Operation

When you start with Project A and choose to merge data from Project B, the existing data in Project A remains unaffected. However, the merged items from Project B are affected in the following ways:
Items with conflicting ID numbers are assigned a new ID number. For example, when merging cue ID 0 into a project that already contains cue IDs 0 and 1, cues in the destina- tion project will be re-assigned to the next available IDs (for example IDs 2 and 3).
Reference IDs are updated so that Items containing references to other imported items will reflect the new ID numbers.
Changes to ID numbers and references will be reported in the log.
Layout and connection settings of a project cannot be merged.