Matrix window

The matrix in CueStation is an adaptation of a matrix found on traditional analog consoles. It performs distribution of bus signals to output channels.
Bus and Output controls

Bus and Output controls are displayed as a matrix, with level shown at each intersection.

Matrix Window
Rows correspond to buses, and columns, to output channels. Along the left and top of the matrix display are corresponding control strips of Channel Select buttons. These are labeled with their Bus Number or Output Channel Number and names.
The rest of the matrix is devoted to cross-point value boxes, which correspond to the knobs on a physical console matrix. These value boxes can be adjusted by typing in a value directly, or by clicking box and dragging the value up or down. Levels are measured in dB (0 dB = unity).
Matrix crosspoint color

Matrix crosspoint color changes to reflect which control point is currently shown.
Control Point | Color |
Waits | Pink |
Fades | Yellow |
Levels | Purple |
VGroups A | Orange |
VGroups B | Cyan |